Saturday, 22 August 2015

Life is a Satsuma (or is it a mandarin?)

Shiny bright on the outside with the often challenging first attempt at peeling back to reveal the plump, inviting ripeness of something sweet on the inside. 

Signs of imperfection. Dimples of individuality. For some, signs of a life journey that has brought them here evidenced in a roughness or misshapen exterior. The literal manifestation of the knocks that may have been endured during the growing process. 

The first touch is often cold. I don't know why but the cool smoothness of peel resonates with me at some level. A comforting weight in the palm of my hand. Security perhaps? Then the moment comes. Where to make that first puncture? You never want to over invest either. It gets messy very quickly if you go in too deep, too soon. You should never take a satsuma segment by surprise. Take your time with that. The first break of the seal may define your success in what comes next. So care and attention is definitely a pre-requisite. 

So you have made it through the outer and now need to navigate your way around the inner. Challenging yourself to peel it in as few moves as possible perhaps? Or experiencing a connectedness when you note that the peel is only loosely attached, just waiting to be lifted and discarded?

You need to know that when you have finally peeled the outer orange, that there is a little more work to be done. A partially clad fruit. Naked yet still covered and protected. An intricate web woven over the simple curves of flesh. 

Perhaps it says something about us as individuals. Are you the one who meticulously yet gently pulls on the end of every fibre of pith? Idly, stripping away the protective network of something that individualises each fruit. It is easily removable and for some, perhaps this is the appeal; a sense of cleansing and visual achievement? Or is it a kinesthetic, subconscious going through the motions until every fibre has been removed. For others, with the peel discarded this may be where it stops. Acceptance and the wish to take the satsuma as it is, pith and all. 

        But whatever your preparation, life is a satsuma. 

Take your time. 
Plan your approach. 

Then with each stage, the anticipation of what may be within heightens a little. Peel it back. Focus on the core of what is real. Hold this ball of sweet delight and savour it. And then there it is, the moment has arrived. Do you bite a small piece of fruit or place the whole segment in your mouth? 

Whatever your intuition, close your eyes and allow yourself to be filled with an indescribable burst of sweetness.

Saturate your senses

Savour each segment or power on through until it is all gone.   

Whatever your approach, life is a satsuma. 

So go grab yourself a slice of life.


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