Wednesday, 28 December 2016
Saturday, 23 July 2016
I Like...
Your hand in mine
Blue skies after wet rain
Ruby red wine
Complex exciting brain
Thoughts that stay throughout the day
Childlike-me just wants to play
Far off lands and odysseys
Fun-filled secret fantasies
Golden hues and vivid green
Hidden treasures not yet seen
Outside air kissing skin
Sensuality flooding in
Colours splash across the page
Skip grim-grey, don't want to age
See this life with vibrant youth
Speak all words with earnest truth
Spinning world with steady ground
Moving pictures filled with sound
Friday, 22 July 2016
My One Wish...
Now is the time
Hold it
Before it takes flight
Closing hand
Feel gently
Between finger and thumb
What is real
And all that is right
Quivering voice deep within
Push it down
Best not let that begin
Will drown out
The sound of you
Choose the right voice
To listen to
Fluttering wings
Fragile body
Eyes scanning skies
High and low
For god's sake
Don't let this go
Holding breath
Standing tall
Made it this far
Avoid a fall
Keep stepping
Heel to toe
Feel earth underfoot
Shuffle one then two
You know what to do
Clasp that hand
Try not to misunderstand
There are no doubts
No reservations
Being here with you
Feel that flutter
Delicate thing
Don't want to be hurt
Shouldn't have to think
Just be at one
With all that has begun
Feel all that I am
Finally realise
I see my true self
Reflected in those eyes
Slowly release a once tightly formed grip
Let it flow and just be so
I am me
That is all that I have ever wanted to be
Lengthening stride
As I grow from deep inside
I don't know how this began
You were just this man
But I know who I am
And all that I feel
My one wish
Just keep it real
Saturday, 16 July 2016
The Day...
I first felt you
There beside me
I had no words.
No knowledge,
No grasp of what
Would be coming next.
That was the day
When what I had ever known
Would simply be wiped away.
From those first
Mouthfuls of you
Gently imbibed
A breathy blend of
Whisky and intrigue
Distinct expressiveness
That wove through
Artful conversation.
All this;
You piqued my interest.
Touched me somewhere new
I was there
Present in the moment
Finding me through you.
An intense clarity in your eyes
Reflected me back.
Simple honesty
I was here
Engaged and willing
Something about you
Who, and how you are
Led me to share
Small mouth-sized bites of me
And as time carried us
Through that night
Our lives began to touch
And as that day
Morphed into those moments
That ended and began
Whitewashed working weeks,
I began to
Let you in
To places that even
I had never seen.
I don't recall the thought;
The deliberation
The question.
I knew I felt
An organic
Lifting of the layers
Began way before this
First time meet.
Smudged fingerprints of former lives spent
Traced their way across our written words
And cracks of light spilled through
The pages of what would become
The Story of Us.
And here you were
Right beside me
This physical presence
A manifestation of
Those gentle nudges
As you questioned your own
life learning,
Acute insights and
Acrid admonishments
Of that once-little boy
Earnest and deserving
The day I first felt you
Inside me
No falter
No hesitation
That this felt right
No awkwardness
For us to clamber over
Part-pasts too painful to
Pointlessly paint over
So we shared
What was right
Peeling back our layers
As we slipped silently
Safely into the night
That is the day
I felt us
There beside me
I had no words.
No knowledge,
No grasp of what
Would be coming next.
That was the day
When what I had ever known
Would simply be wiped away.
From those first
Mouthfuls of you
Gently imbibed
A breathy blend of
Whisky and intrigue
Distinct expressiveness
That wove through
Artful conversation.
All this;
You piqued my interest.
Touched me somewhere new
I was there
Present in the moment
Finding me through you.
An intense clarity in your eyes
Reflected me back.
Simple honesty
I was here
Engaged and willing
Something about you
Who, and how you are
Led me to share
Small mouth-sized bites of me
And as time carried us
Through that night
Our lives began to touch
And as that day
Morphed into those moments
That ended and began
Whitewashed working weeks,
I began to
Let you in
To places that even
I had never seen.
I don't recall the thought;
The deliberation
The question.
I knew I felt
An organic
Lifting of the layers
Began way before this
First time meet.
Smudged fingerprints of former lives spent
Traced their way across our written words
And cracks of light spilled through
The pages of what would become
The Story of Us.
And here you were
Right beside me
This physical presence
A manifestation of
Those gentle nudges
As you questioned your own
life learning,
Acute insights and
Acrid admonishments
Of that once-little boy
Earnest and deserving
The day I first felt you
Inside me
No falter
No hesitation
That this felt right
No awkwardness
For us to clamber over
Part-pasts too painful to
Pointlessly paint over
So we shared
What was right
Peeling back our layers
As we slipped silently
Safely into the night
That is the day
I felt us
Doesn't Matter...
Strewn clothes
Warm fuzziness
That hangs right here
Rain spattered window panes
Cold flagstone floors
Ticking clocks
Smallgoods and homemade breads
Ever changing skies
Clumps of clouds roll in
As mundanities roll out
Sighs out to sea
Nestled up here
You with me
Steam rising, curling smoke
Amber glows, popping wood
Writing words and reading books
Feelings shared in just those looks
Doesn't matter where
As long as we are both there
Thursday, 7 July 2016
Two Small Worlds...
It is undeniably true
When I say I have fallen simply for you.
There are days in my head where there's nothing but blue,
I have an ache that hovers as it softly seeps through
Layers, once mine but are now me and you.
I've been thinking about Us, you see
And what it is to be here, as me.
Floating along on this love-lapping tide,
I sometimes get caught while lost in our ride.
Emotions and colours escape once tied.
Synchronicity. Yes, that is you by my side.
Serendipitous as two small worlds quietly collide.
One Adventure |
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
My Smiling Mind...
I haven't been here for quite a while.
Seemingly lost under the heavy drapes of everyday living. Sometimes too weary to find my way back here to this place in my smiling mind.
Like many of us, I lose my way a little. Perhaps I am failing to find that elusive balance; instead being a bystander in my own life, seeing the warm familiarity fade as my unrealised dreams wash away.
It takes a shift, a change. And with that slight of hand, a chance to fight back. Fumble through layers of expectations and demands that have smothered me somehow. And as I push the heaviness away, I find it is still here. That robust bubble of brightness that is rooted within me. My smiling mind. And I feel a sense of relief as I recognise that glimmer of hope, bobbing buoyantly. As free as I feel with this effervescent rush, I am anchored knowing that it doesn't matter how long I've been gone, I can come back.
We all fall prey to the marching drudgery of grey and with this subliminal surrender, we sacrifice some of our riches. Creativity caught choking on clouds of dust, colliding with commitment. And I should know this by now. But I can't seem to stop the inevitable slide into the slipstream of mind numbing normalcy. Like colouring inside the lines, I am constrained by the rigidity of routines and demands that are unyielding. Automatically turning the pages of a well-read book, I progress without taking the time to appreciate all that's here. So I go back again. Retrace my steps, trudging through the same chapter. Different day, same sense of senselessness. It is then that I become aware of my own disconnect. And this is not where I should be. Passive and existing, skimming along the surface of a vanilla veneer? No. This is not who I am. And I fight back.
I step outside. Shed the shroud. Fresh air and breathing space.
Depth and vibrancy bring me back.
Yes I've been gone a little too long but I'm here energised once again. I'm feeling alive with the pure joy of life.
Bright sky
Wet rain
Warm socks
Buzzing brain
Maybe one of a kind but this is a tiny peek inside my smiling mind...
Seemingly lost under the heavy drapes of everyday living. Sometimes too weary to find my way back here to this place in my smiling mind.
Like many of us, I lose my way a little. Perhaps I am failing to find that elusive balance; instead being a bystander in my own life, seeing the warm familiarity fade as my unrealised dreams wash away.
It takes a shift, a change. And with that slight of hand, a chance to fight back. Fumble through layers of expectations and demands that have smothered me somehow. And as I push the heaviness away, I find it is still here. That robust bubble of brightness that is rooted within me. My smiling mind. And I feel a sense of relief as I recognise that glimmer of hope, bobbing buoyantly. As free as I feel with this effervescent rush, I am anchored knowing that it doesn't matter how long I've been gone, I can come back.
We all fall prey to the marching drudgery of grey and with this subliminal surrender, we sacrifice some of our riches. Creativity caught choking on clouds of dust, colliding with commitment. And I should know this by now. But I can't seem to stop the inevitable slide into the slipstream of mind numbing normalcy. Like colouring inside the lines, I am constrained by the rigidity of routines and demands that are unyielding. Automatically turning the pages of a well-read book, I progress without taking the time to appreciate all that's here. So I go back again. Retrace my steps, trudging through the same chapter. Different day, same sense of senselessness. It is then that I become aware of my own disconnect. And this is not where I should be. Passive and existing, skimming along the surface of a vanilla veneer? No. This is not who I am. And I fight back.
I step outside. Shed the shroud. Fresh air and breathing space.
Depth and vibrancy bring me back.
Yes I've been gone a little too long but I'm here energised once again. I'm feeling alive with the pure joy of life.
Bright sky
Wet rain
Warm socks
Buzzing brain
Maybe one of a kind but this is a tiny peek inside my smiling mind...
Lifelong Journey of Love…
You will feel it
Live it
Breathe it
Think it
Believe it
Be a part of it
The love of a mother is like no other
No words
No colours
No senses
Will ever truly encompass
That true beauty
Of a mother’s love
The engulfing
Compassion and yearning
You will have for your child
The first look
The first touch
The first smile
The first kiss
The first recognition of you
As a mother
A hug that will come with time
An embrace that will squeeze the very breath out of your
heart that has ached for so long
A connectedness that
Completes you
A tiny human
A tangible reflection of
What you offer this world
And the love that is outpouring
With her first tears
You will weep
As you remain uneasy
She may sleep
Standing over her as her chest gently falls
The true purpose of new life calls
A tentative touch
That will hurt so much
Her first meaningful word
Waited to be heard
The sound of her play
Will soothe your pain away
You have made it to this starting place
Together, mother and daughter, life you will face
The smallest noticed thing
Will ultimately make your heart sing…
Friday, 12 February 2016
She's the type of girl
Whose hair will freely curl
Spark of light in her eyes
Love of life can't disguise
Just by chance you may meet
Simply strolling down the street
That hop-skip in her talk
Like the way her hips walk
Wind blows, wild and free
She will dance, just wait and see
Stops to touch almost everything
To your world a joy she'll bring
Watch her gaze, feel her feel
See her breathe all that's real
Love her laugh, childish squeak
Stuff and things she will seek
See her wonder, feel her awe
May just leave you wanting more
She's likes to give, loves to care
Just stop still and breathe her air
Take her by her open hand
See her world; understand
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
Chance Meeting... (End not in sight)
Tumbling through an open door
Not sure what will lay before
Eyes dance across dim light
Until the moment of first sight
Slipping deftly from his seat
Now's the time to chance-it-meet
A warm embrace
First brush of face
Arms wrap around
Momentary pause of sound
No time for thought
The table left is sought
Then the bar's bubbling chat
Rises up just like that
In amongst the city shabby chic
He stands strong full of speak
And after some talk and think
He offers to buy the first drink
And as he stands at the bar
She can study him from afar
Wake Up
So the time has probably arrived.
The one that you wish wasn't just around the corner. The juncture that has evaded definition until right about now. The moment that has been shrouded in a beautiful muted grey. Soft, wafting and elusive. But now it has morphed into a newly defined sharpness that prevails as the now. The present.
Face it. Feel it. Ride it and hope to come out the other side. Breathe in until it hurts. Deep seated sharpness. Arousing the senses. Kick starting the brain. Think. That's what you have avoided until now.
Thoughts. Bottled rationalised emotions. Bubbling away. Safe until they are released into the wide sense of self realisation.
I'm not scared. I am ready. Ready for the moment that will shape my tomorrows. But are you? My dear friend. Will you be here, walking alongside me every step of the way?
Tip the rim and grip the stem. Pour that clear straw like liquid right in. I don't want to be broken. I yearn to emerge from this. Phoenix from the ashes.
Ride this journey with me. Ups and downs. Don't let it submerge us now. Like lifeless debris cast out to sea. Bobbing around - just you and me. Cut loose and carefree. That is what I want to be. Free from the pull of my now but it's not to be.
Wake up.
Face it.
Hear it.
Feel it.
Then live it.
And like the harsh sunlight that crashes through your waking moments, the truth will seep through. A husk of life or a seed to grow? This is your chance to let your choice show.
But as it radiates up, snaking through your core, you know deep down that you have choice no more. Take what you can. Hold it here, clasped feebly in your hand knowing that it will be ripped from you.
Inside you, you know that it is over. You've skipped and danced. Skating across the surface of what scares you most. It's not really left you blind. The chase through the maze; running from what is close behind.
Steady. I can hear your heartbeat. Settle me now. Take a breath. Allow yourself to be frozen in time. Still your senses. Just be. Here. Now. Present. Skin and bone close. Pressing against what you love the most.
A few hours and the words will be released. Once out, fluttering frenetically in front of your face. Capture one and its true meaning you try to trace. Hold it there in your trembling hand. Why is truth so hard to understand?
Take me back to that place of warmth and love. A chance to see you from above. Looking down, it comes into place. The boyish pleasure on your face. But i am dragged from far behind, pulled back to a place unkind.
Wake up.
Face it.
Hear it.
Feel it.
Then live it.
I can do this. I can. But for now, I'm a girl and you're a man. Hold me close. Wrap me up. Let me be the needy one. Warm me up and breathe the life back into me. Hear my unspoken words. Breathe me in.
Tip the rim and grip the stem. Pour that clear straw like liquid right in. Washing over like an oily slick, painful attacks are so damn quick.
I will sit and listen well, knowing that there's nought to tell.
Friday, 8 January 2016
Leave It Be...
all you knew is now not true
Questions raised
hollow wounds weeping through
warmer layers of nostalgia
sense of cold could grip on tight
But leave it be
Because as much as you might
Because as much as you might
or yearn
To understand
To learn
To understand
To learn
reason today will not
Answer what came before
It's too damn jumbled
It's too damn jumbled
to restore
the past where it's meant to be
right back
Sit on your heels
Sit on your heels
the ripples of the murky past
Collide, progress but gradually still
Don't stir them more
Collide, progress but gradually still
Don't stir them more
feelings won’t last
day, another time
puddle will be just calm
brownish lake of some
that now will cloud the colours
wash over the day you’re in
burning brightness that
on that thread of thought
not satisfy your heart or mind
leave you empty, fraught or
Senselessly caught
Senselessly caught
more and more
to fathom what came before
of life bring us here
our responses
our now
revisit something just to understand
To change
the track
looking way back
be a one way ride to doom
you’ve returned
Leave the past
Let it be
Let it be
Distant, faded
are just
they are meant to be
And you've arrived
Just in time
You're not too soon
It's not too late
In fact some may say
Probable Fate
And you've arrived
Just in time
You're not too soon
It's not too late
In fact some may say
Probable Fate
You are right where you're meant to be. So keep walking along this meandering track, looking forward and not once turning back... |
Sunday, 3 January 2016
You’re my kinda kaleidoscope
I never wanted vanilla
Shower me with your multicolours
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