Thursday, 3 September 2015

Why is Life Just So Frickin' Painful?

What I really want to ask is...

Why the hell is life so flippin' complicated?

It's a bit like school and the holidays. 
You spend your entire time waiting for the holidays 
but once they come, 
you are worried that they will be over too soon. 
This is how many of us spend our lives; 
basically wishing them away.
 And for what? 
In the hope that what is around the corner 
will be better than the now?

As for me. 
Well, for the first time in a long time, 
I feel what I can only presume is contentment, 
happiness or just a sense of being okay 
(ok, quite a bit more). 
But the more I start to relax,
 enjoy and 
<what the hell> 
even savour the good times, 
the more the crap 
seems to pour 
from that little tiny crack in the ceiling. 
You know the one I mean, right? 
That near-invisible
 hairline curling fracture 
that runs somewhere along 
the far cornice of your bedroom.

Why is life so frickin' painful?

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