Tuesday, 29 September 2015

My Little Girl

You've felt the pain
My Little Girl
You have felt it
Again and Again

For a while
I fought the knife
That sliced right through our life

The first cut smooth and shallow
Causing distraction
And deferred pain
But then back and forth
It ran through your flesh
Again and again

I tightened my grip
Friction fighting 
I stared hard at the glinting edge
That rhythmically ripped 
Into our known


Still I was holding on
To that blade that cut 
Us to the core
I tried to stop 
The muted mercilessness 
But there was more


Despite my hold
The pain and suffering began to unfold

And I pulled against it
Never faltering
I held tight
Loving you when here and 
When out of sight

I carried you with me
But the wound began to weep
And as I refused to release my grip
On life's knife
I watched it puncture your heart
So deep, so swift
You didn't wince

The depth of entry was greater 
Than its width
Still I remain latched on
As a starving babe
Sucking for life
I couldn't let go

At the start
Petals of crimson rose
Scattering softly to the ground
But as the pain increased
Without sound
The screaming red
Pooling around our feet
Banging relentlessly 
Inside my head
That screaming red

At the crimson tide
That seeped out 
From deep inside
I fought again

I took you 
To my heart
To a place from where
I couldn't bear us to part
You and me
Together in undefined unity

But as that crimson tide
Rose high
Bubbles frothing
We were both going to drown

I fought back
Don't hold me down

I took that knife
I sliced
I sliced
Right through my life
As a mother
Of a beautiful child
I looked again

Your eyes turned wild
I sliced that tie
That held me there

I could not bear
To see you stare
Knocking again and again 
At that door of despair 
I cut myself loose

And I said goodbye
to you
My Little Girl

You didn't know I had gone
Could not sense something was so desperately wrong
I wanted to stay there
To hold you
Love you
Breathe for you
But I had to go
To save yourself

Killing me softly
So deep 
Deep inside
No one knew 
How my heart had ripped
Gaping wide

I said goodbye to you 
My Little Girl

You had to learn
To fight 
To come right back
To find that
True sense of attack
To breathe for yourself
To adjust
To accept
And with time
To love 

I watched in pain
As the ocean of crimson
Flowed over you
Pushing you down
Glimmer of hope
Came as
Glimpses of what I had once known
But then you were forced down again
And again

Weak and sunken eyes
A world drowning 
Under a sea of sighs
I didn't know you
I couldn't reach you
You had begun to float away
What was hiding inside you
That kept you so far removed
From the strength 
That you once had
You left me cold

I took my heart out then 
Left it on the side
A mother's love 
I myself denied
Comes at a price

Mistakes are there to be had
But quite why
We need to endure
Such loss
I am not sure
Perhaps for you
It was just so that we could
Come together once more
And feel what we know is true
Share our familial bond
A strength 

I think you now know that
You tried to refrain 
From looking closely as the pieces of your old world
Fell weightlessly
Like snowflakes from a darkened sky

Today there you were
By my side
And it felt so 
To be us
As I remember once
The things we touched
We did it together 
So we didn't have to feel the pain

I held you close
My arms around your heart
My hands caressing your soul
My heart beating strong
I didn't get it wrong
You didn't drown
Nothing could keep you down
You needed to do it for you

And here you are
My Little Girl

Breathing hard


With love
Brimming with hope
Living and
Creating life 

You will always be My Little Girl

and I will never leave you out in the cold...

Thursday, 24 September 2015


Don't leave me here to drown
Facade like a clown
These things keep me pushing down
I just wanna escape this town

I've given all I can to keep all right
Just know I might be outta fight
Those dark clouds keep rolling in
And I don't wanna be trapped within

Reach out now to take my hand
Gently lead me to a new land

Smiles slipping silently away
Replaced with cement sighs of ghostly grey
Not sure I can face yet another day
Of heavy hearts that will be here to stay

Maybe just maybe
Sparks of brighter light 
Will reach down to me
And let me know I'll be all right

Unanchored and alone I'm left
Floating weightlessly, bereft
Of all the colours that made me me

Soft watercolours washing away

Wednesday, 23 September 2015



right here

backgrounds blur
silencing sounds 

pulses slowing
blood thickens
breaths breathe 
a shared breathlessness

stands still

nothing in the way
words no need to say

feels familiar 
unknown yesterday

let go

just be 

in the moment

lost inside
eyes wide 

is this me
between your world and mine

don't let go too soon
let the warmth seep through...

Thursday, 17 September 2015


Such a sodding simple word. 

It conjures arched eyebrow, voiced incredulity and a slightly tacky frothing spittle in that left corner of the mouth. Seriously? It doesn't really matter what precedes the announcement but the questioning of 'Seriously,' is a slice of cliched life in itself. 

Am I right?

Have we not all had moments that require the pregnant pause followed by one of the following? 

1) Deep, I mean ridiculously deep inhale. Ribs creak in protest as you exercise muscles you have only heard about from that annoying gym-junkie friend that flits in and out of your life in a flash of black-n-hot-pink-Lorna-Jane-I've-been-shrink-wrapped-like-a-shortrind-bacon-pack. You really don't know why you have kept this person around. Could be as they are probably the most visual reminder you could have to pre-empt those awful New Year Resolutions that seem to come around - AGAIN.  Yes, yes. Slimming, exercising, pumping and grinding... Mmm. It is soooo totally not you. When you first heard the phrase bench press, you pictured a gleaming silvery machine that flattens that pasta stuff, yeah? When someone uttered 'triceps,' you idly asked 'Try what? Is that a new antiseptic throat lozenge? Good, I must get myself some.' 

Clearing of my throat. 

So, getting back to my point. Pause. Deep inhale. Shoulders back and with the pent up agility of a slowly awakening three-toed sloth, you breathe out. And as the slightly gastri-acid-ee air escapes (yes, I know that I should have followed up with that gastroscopy to tackle my gastric reflux... but, I dunno I quite like the excuse to try to eat more calming foods at around midnight) so comes the word...'Ssssseeerrrriouslyyyyyyy.'

It is a sweetened combination of a slightly giddy light headedness from breathing properly and the sensory satisfaction you get as you allow your tongue to push against the back of your teeth in an extensive 'ess' sound. 

TO BE CONTINUED>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

New Beginnings

And nothing more 
Grain of rice
Not seen before
Seed of life
Rush of love 
Centre of hope

A warm spark 
A gift of life
Not just to self
But to mother to be

A lifeline

Reached deep down within 
And pulled her out 
Gasping for breath
She's been underwater for far too long
Muted sound, soul-less song
Scattered thoughts
Blowing aimlessly in the wind

I tried hard to find her hand
Clasp it tight
Lead her with me through the night
Briefly held, I smiled again
She slipped silently 
Down once more into 
The darkest corner of 
Her mind
My child burrowed into
The poisonous chamber of my heart
And I wanted her out
She did not belong there

But now
This gentle glimmer of hope
Holds her transfixed
Caught here
In the now
Head above water
Learning to breathe

A protective fold
Has taken its hold
And I embrace 
This change in face
My child is coming back
She has been gone for too long
So strong

The tiniest heart beat
Begins right here
Pulsing with life

Time to smile
Moments to cherish
Pride swells
As she sheds her childish charms
One by one


I hope that this hope hangs on
Hold tight
Keep that love alight

Baby Bean... 
I hope that I may meet you one day


Can be a beautiful thing. Is it something that comes to you later in life when you have a different understanding of your purpose, your position, your connection and context in the wider setting of the world? I am not certain. I only know now that it is something that leaves me feeling unsure. 

I recognise in others that fragility can be a beautiful thing. 
A breath of vulnerability perhaps. 
These are rich and alluring qualities with which I associate fragility. 
A chance occurrence to see an element of something real and raw in another. 

But when I feel myself drifting, slipping towards something other than strength, I resist this with all that I have. I don't know why, but for a long time I have struggled with the idea of showing weakness. 

Perhaps I am not comfortable with the idea that somehow I may be fragile. 

I think that showing vulnerability is a learned thing. 

And maybe, just  

Hidden Strength

Maybe this is the time to learn...

Not Knowing...

Give me your hand and I will hold it.  
Let's just see what happens next.
We will figure it out.

A word that embraces a nervous flutter that is caught somewhere deep inside. 
Not defined. 
Not associated to a one thing. 
Just an unnerving sense that has invaded the warm and happy space which I have occupied of late. And I don't want it to be there. 
Shaping what may be or what may become.
 Although I may have uncertainty, of this I am certain.

I feel that something significant is nudging me slightly off kilter despite my resistance.  
As I get nearer to something that makes me breathe happiness,  brushing the true depth of something special, there is a tell tale tug at the corners of my mind.

Reality, responsibility and rationality.
Is there scope to embrace all in one warm scoop?
To braid the norms with the new and the unknown
and to work together to overcome whatever may not yet be shown.

Trepidation melts, 
morphing into anticipation...

The future is bright

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Just To Be Here...

No need to think
No need to reason 

Yet still I fear
I do
Something brings me back to you 

Just to be here 

You with me and me with you 

I learned to live
In a world of lies
Yet pretence is my despise
I was lost; could not be found
Simply feared that I had drowned

I took my time to make the break
Waiting to be right for me
And when it came there was no mistake
Just unforeseen misery

And with this pain and wound filled war
I may be more mistrustful than before 

You are patient; you just are
When I can't speak, you don't make me tell
You let me sit, just feel me well
I felt your sense the day we met
An unspoken link I won't forget
Honest compassion remain my core
And I want to move forward more and more 

Yet despite my hanging hesitation
Together we've become a strong combination
Of things and stuff
Of stuff and things
Anticipating what tomorrow brings 
You know me now
You tell somehow
That I only say what I truly know
But sometimes I struggle to let it go

Stop right now 
Wait to see 
Can only wonder what we'll be 
Together or apart
A completed soul or a scooped out heart

But the time feels right to share with you
That I like being here, me and you
I've left the past so far behind
Nothing left here to remind
Me of what I had before
Just a sense of wanting something more 

So say something now
Let me show you how
I yearn to see, to hold, to say
I  don't want to waste yet another day
But then there is a tiny voice
Which comes along without a choice
I know it may be pushing back
From what I feel 
From what I sense
Giving me a breather from this intense...

You with me and me with you 

Glimpsing some imperfections 
Seeing as whole or just as sections 
Keep me close  
Hold me tight
Tell me that it will be all right

You and I may have briefly met
Separate from my conscious mind
Again we may if I could just let
My spirit rise with that rawness in kind

I rise I fall
I feel large I feel small
I feel strong I feel weak
I may be lost I may seek
I rise I fall
I may just give you my all
A brush of hair
A lingering glance
That's what takes you there
No second chance 

You touch me without being near
I feel you when you're not here
I want to live life and not feel fear
To be at one; to be sincere

Place your face so close to mine
Our hips and shoulders all align
Wrap your arms around my skin
And let me breathe and drink you in 

I am here now for the while
Just set me free from that life of trial
I know I am truly strong
Ready to be me; right and wrong
To be those words - live, love, laugh 
To live my life whole; not just a half
You seem to know how to harness my heart
Hold my all and not pieces in part

Believe me
Believe I feel
Believe me
Believe it's true

And oh my goodness,
It feels so, so real
When I look right into you

Light that slow burning ember
Experience what it is to remember
How to breathe deep
And soundly sleep
Share the dreams
And wistful whims
Laugh a lot
And hug some more
Look inside 
with eyes that adore

Come to me 
Set me free
To be who I want to be

Just to be here

Me with you and you with me

You take me somewhere I've never known
Carried far
Soft cries, gentle moan
Let me stay here for a while
You know I'm back when I do that half-smile
You touch me deep;  get lost inside  
An inner warmth, soft eyes open wide 

Bring me in and keep me here
Show me now not to fear 
Share with me your inner thoughts
And all that life's lessons have already taught
You too with me have shared past pain
And this drives you towards greater gain


Just to be here 

You with me and me with you